We often receive similar questions from individuals. This section provides answers to these – and other – frequently asked questions (FAQs).
You may send a customer service e-mail to support@10thplanetbmt.com or use the form on our contact page. You can also reach us by telephone by dialing 409-554-0045.
Yes. Classes are available for 3-6 year olds (Little Dragons) and 8-12 year olds (Juniors). Children at age 7 are evaluated on a case-by-case basis and placed in the appropriate class.
Yes. Members with three or more people who live in the same household are eligible for family plans. Friends and/or Roommates who live together are NOT eligible for family plans.
Absolutely! Come in for a free class and our instructors will determine consistent training days for you and explain how billing works for revolving schedules.
Absolutely! Come in for a free class and our instructors will determine consistent days for you and explain how billing works for solid schedules.
We’re sorry for any inconvenience to you. 10th Planet Beaumont’s Free Class is highly popular with hundreds signing up daily. People are called on a first opted, first called basis. Rest assured, we will get in touch with you.
Cancellation of memberships is handled on a case-by-case basis according to the terms of your contract. You will need to contact billing directly at billing@10thplanetbeaumont.com with any questions or concerns.
If you use the customer service form on this website, a representative will e-mail within 24-48 hours to inform you to get in touch directly with the billing department at billing@10thplanetbeaumont.com. It is best to circumvent this by e-mailing billing directly.
Please refer to the Privacy Policy for more specifics on how your data is collected and handled.
10th Planet Beaumont Jiu-Jitsu & MMA does NOT buy or sell information. Rest assured, if we have your information, YOU gave it to us by filling out an opt-in form on this website, signing a waiver at our gym, or by entering your info at an event we have attended. You will be reminded of this when anyone employed at our facility gets in contact with you.
Yelling at an employee or accusing them of lying will not be tolerated. You have been made aware multiple times that YOU opted-in for an employee at our facility to get in touch with you concerning the services we offer.
If you recently purchased a phone and connected to it using a brand new number, or received a second-hand phone, there is a possibility the previous owner of that number opted-in to be called. Simply ask that you be taken off the calling list if you are not interested in fitness or martial arts. We are happy to oblige.
Please do not yell at our employees or accuse them of lying; their mind reading skills are very poor and cannot predict when people change phones or information. 10th Planet Beaumont bears no responsibility for the actions taken by others concerning your phone or contact information.
Opt-ins by those under the age of 18 are not valid since an adult needs to be present to sign their waiver. Inform the representative who called you that your child is underage and we will take you off the calling list. 10th Planet Beaumont bears no responsibility for the actions taken by others concerning your phone or contact information.
We are more than happy to remove you from our contact list if you are no longer interested in fitness or martial arts. You can opt-out by e-mailing us at support@10thplanetbmt.com with the subject “Opt-Out” or by calling us at 409-554-0045.
Be aware that you will be placed on the contact list again if you fill out an opt-in form on this website, sign a waiver at our gym, or enter your info at an event we attend. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you have a serious interest in the services we provide before opting-in using the various methods described above.
Yelling at an employee or accusing them of lying will not be tolerated. You have been made aware multiple times that YOU opted-in for an employee at our facility to get in touch with you concerning the services we offer.